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Die bekanntesten Hausmittel gegen Haarausfall: Was bringen sie wirklich?

The most well-known home remedies for hair loss: what do they really do?

Hair loss can have many causes. In addition to circulatory disorders, the main reasons for hair loss are genetic disposition, excessive consumption of stimulants, as well as stress and malnutrition. People have always strived to prevent hair loss and there are a variety of home remedies that are widely recommended. But what can these home remedies really do?


Beer against hair loss

Drinking alcoholic beer damages the hair, but massaging it into the hair promotes growth and strengthens it. At least that is what is said about the effect of beer as a popular home remedy for hair loss. The alcohol is said to dilate the vessels and thus stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. In addition, beer contains a lot of vitamin B, which is said to be good for hair growth in general.

To strengthen existing hair, beer can be helpful. However, it takes something else to promote hair growth.


Bier-Massage gegen Haarausfall


Base treatment against hair loss

Last but not least, premature hair loss is said to be related to an unbalanced acid-base balance – mostly caused by stress and an unhealthy diet. A detoxifying base treatment should bring this relationship, which is fundamentally important to health, back into balance - and ultimately also strengthen the hair. However, it has not yet been proven whether new growth of the main hair can be achieved in this way


Ein ausgeglichener Basen-Säure-Haushalt: wichtig für Haut, Haare und Nägel 

Biotin against hair loss

Biotin, or vitamin H, is particularly important for beautiful skin, nails and hair. Biotin is found in pork, grains, nuts, offal, eggs and milk. Whether natural or in capsules: A sufficient supply of biotin ensures shiny hair and strong nails. However, whether biotin can stop hair loss in the long term has not yet been proven. 


In Eiern steckt viel Biotin - gut für Haar und Haarwachstum


Coffee against hair loss

It is known that coffee stimulates blood circulation - according to a home remedy, this can be used to stimulate blood circulation in the hair roots. All you have to do is massage the coffee into the scalp and achieve the desired effect.

The question here is how long coffee can be effective on the scalp and how often one can apply such coffee rubbing to the head in practice in order to actually notice an effective effect.

Kaffee regt die Durchblutung an und fördert somit das Haarwachstum 

Massage against hair loss

Head massages are extremely relaxing and soothing. For this reason alone, they are worthwhile for many. Supposedly, head massages also have a second effect - the circulation-enhancing effect is supposed to stop hair loss. However, this is a myth because this effect only lasts for a very short time and therefore cannot stop hair loss in the long term.  


Kopfmassagen eignen sich perfekt dazu, die Durchblutung anzuregen


As you can see, many home remedies for hair loss are effective on paper because they promote blood flow to the hair roots or contain important nutrients for the hair. However, it is very difficult to use them effectively in such a way that they can bring lasting success. It's different with Panthrix: the effect of the hair growth activator Panthrix has been confirmed in clinical studies. 

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